Hi, there

This is my research

I am working on dielectric flow cytometry, which is using multi-color electromagnetic waves to detect intercellular structure and intercellular activites. This method enable the high sensitivity detection of rare cellular marker in peripheral blood at early state of Early stage of cancer.

Basic Principle of dielectric flow cytometry

Multi-color dielectric flow cytometry

Left picture shows the dielectric dispersions of a single cell. A cell’s character frequency is function of cell’s biophysical properties, such as volume, membrane capacity, and cytoplasm conductivity. Thus, the by measuring a cell’s dielectric spectrum, we can back calculate its biophysical properties.

Featured Articles

I am working on Inner-cellular dielectric spectroscopy theory, Multi-color electromagnetic wave sensing methods, and dielectric flow cytometry applications


Is it possible to use dielectric spectroscopy to characterize inner cellular structure, analyze cellular substructure, evaluate organelles’ morphology, component and the inter-organelle interaction?


How to detect a cell’s dielectric responses in a flowing condition, how to accurate measure an anisotropic inner cellular structure accurately? How to detect a rare cell in a bulk bio-sample?


We are developing multifunctional device to analyze various biomarkers including cellular and molecular marker in peripheral blood sample, such as CTC and CRP.